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In the Dambi Uddo farm, the coffee is grown alongside with honey and wood, according to the so called “agroforestry” system and it is exclusively worked by hand.

Thanks to this technique, this coffee has obtained an 86+ SCA score and the GRADE 1-Q1 which represents the top of the quality level for an Ethiopian specialty coffee.

Tasting it, you will detect strawberry hints in the smell, aromas of soft fruits, raspberry and red apple in the aftertaste.



Estate coffees are our coffees coming exclusively from single estates. We roast our beans with care, in order to offer top quality coffees and to enhance the peculiarities and the uniqueness of each producing farm. We wish to namely bring you a corner of the countries of origin and make you dive into the territory where the coffee plants root. We personally travel in search of the most original, typical and appealing beans. After selecting them, we have them shipped to Italy where the fine-tuning of the roasting process starts, in order to get the best out of each coffee. The outcome is part of our own essence: unique quality coffees.

Where does this coffee come from?

Our blends and combinations are created using coffee from the same estates where we source the beans for our single-estate coffees.

This coffee comes from the following estates (click on them to find out more):

Extraction method:
Choose how you want to extract this coffee and follow the guide!


The coffee doses indicated below refer to a double shot extraction, that is, two espresso cups at the same time. Stay in the range that we recommend for each of our lines, have fun evaluating the differences in the extraction as the dose varies and let us know which dose produces the best extraction in your opinion!

01 WEIGH Specialty People Blends: 15g - 16g Di Piantagione: 16g - 18g Dirompenti: 17g - 18g
02 GRIND The consistency of the grind should be somewhere between white flour and cornmeal
03 GET SET UP Place the ground coffee in the portafilter, level it and tamp it
04 ENJOY Extract your espresso and enjoy – preferably in good company!


The extraction parameters we suggest here are not imperative. Have fun trying the recipes of the World Aeropress Championship champions: you can find them on the website.

01 WEIGH Recommended extraction ratio: 75g coffee / litre of water
02 GRIND The consistency of the grind should be similar to fine sand
03 GET SET UP Assemble the aeropress and place the coffee in the portafilter, then start adding the hot water (88-90°C), remembering to let it pre-infuse, and stir the coffee.
04 ENJOY Push the plunger down slowly to extract your aeropress coffee and enjoy – preferably in good company!


On each can you will find a detailed guide for the correct preparation of the moka pot. Follow it carefully to best extract your coffee. We advise you to use a scale to correctly choose the dose of water and ground coffee: the different models of moka have different boiler and filter capacities.

01 WEIGH Recommended extraction ratio: 100g coffee / litre of water
02 GRIND The consistency of the grind should be similar to sea salt
03 GET SET UP Place the ground coffee in the filter after filling the bottom chamber with hot water (80-85°C), then place the moka on the gas hob.
04 ENJOY Stir the coffee in the moka pot, pour straight into cups and enjoy – preferably in good company!

Cold Brew

The extraction parameters we suggest here are not imperative: you can try to use different doses by reducing or slightly increasing the amount of coffee per liter of water and/or to change the extraction time, while remaining in the suggested range. Let us know what tests you did and what differences you perceive in the taste of coffee.

01 WEIGH Recommended extraction ratio: 60g coffee / litre of water
02 GRIND The consistency of the grind should be similar to sea salt
03 GET SET UP Add the ground coffee to room-temperature water, move the container to the fridge and leave it there for 16-24 hours.
04 ENJOY Wait for your cold brew coffee extraction to finish, then add ice and orange peel if you wish, and enjoy – preferably in good company!

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