This microlot comes from a small plot of land within fazenda Samambaia, which is a member of Sancoffee coop (certified B-Corp since 2019). Henrique Cambraia owns this farm, represents the 4th generation of his coffee-growing family and is Sancoffee’s president.
The result is an amazing coffee with a winey and exotic aroma, a ripe apple flavour in the mouth and an overall sweetness. Excellent extract in espresso.
Where does this coffee come from?
Our blends and combinations are created using coffee from the same estates where we source the beans for our single-estate coffees.
This coffee comes from the following estates (click on them to find out more!):
The coffee doses indicated below refer to a double shot extraction, that is, two espresso cups at the same time. Stay in the range that we recommend for each of our lines, have fun evaluating the differences in the extraction as the dose varies and let us know which dose produces the best extraction in your opinion!