Box Moka Macinato
Inside the box:
1x 250g Alto Palomar
1x Mug Le Piantagioni del Caffè
1x 250g Yrgalem
1x 250g 85/15
1x 250g 100
1x 250g Water Decaf
Box &
Where does this coffee come from?
Our blends and combinations are created using coffee from the same estates where we source the beans for our single-estate coffees.
This coffee comes from the following estates (click on them to find out more!):
BRAZIL – Cerrado, Sul de Minas
On each can you will find a detailed guide for the correct preparation of the moka pot. Follow it carefully to best extract your coffee. We advise you to use a scale to correctly choose the dose of water and ground coffee: the different models of moka have different boiler and filter capacities.
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